Espiritu Santo Parochial School believes that every human being has an eternal destiny as well as an earthly existence, thus education forms the total person with respect to its ultimate goal and the good of the society.


A people called by the Father in Jesus Christ to become a community of persons with fullness of life witnessing the Kingdom of God by living the Paschal Mystery in the power of the Holy Spirit with Mary as companion.


Inspired by the gifts of the Holy Spirit and guidance of the Mother of God, We commit ourselves to

- profess and live the gift of Faith we have received so as to worship, love and serve God in our personal and communal life

- acquire knowledge, skills, competencies and value laden foundations to cope with the increasing needs of a competitive and fast changing society

- preserve our Filipino-Christian heritage and culture; deepen our love for country and be willing to contribute to its development

- share joyfully the fruits of our labor to others especially the less fortunate


Truth, Justice, Love, and Peace